The relationship between health and nutrition is a complex one, and one which requires an individual tailored approach for each and every person. Whilst we do not think twice about popping some vitamin C and zinc to support our immunity when we feel a cold coming on, we rarely give the same thought and consideration towards supporting our cognitive functions and brain health if suffering from brain fog, increased anxiety or feel our mood dropping?
In today’s world, being either underfed and undernourished, or overfed and undernourished is sadly not uncommon, and adding neurodivergence to the mix can exasperate the situation, magnifying the variety and complexities of presenting symptoms. Research shows those diagnosed as autistic are disproportionately vulnerable to eating disorders, especially as alexithymia is positively associated with disordered eating attitudes, emotional eating, and eating in the absence of hunger. Whilst ADHD predisposes an individual to an elevated risk for addictive, impulsive, and compulsive behaviours, resulting in an increased propensity for binge eating disorders.
Genetics are often referred to as contributing factors, however genes alone do not dictate an outcome, they are just an indication of a pre-disposition or risk, and one which can be modified by nutrition and lifestyle.
Considering the individual, supporting genetic influences, and redressing nutrient and brain chemistry imbalances through the appropriate nutritional intervention, can offer a ‘jump start’ for clients, allowing them to better participate in any other aspects of their therapy or treatment, and to do so with more hope, clarity, and optimism.
